The Q&A: Laura Liedo
Q: Originally from the North of Spain, what are some of your favorite things about living and working in the South?
A: Originally from Asturias, my favorite things about living and working in Barcelona are the huge amount of culture and artistic forms. I like meeting my colleagues for exhibitions, discovering art everywhere or going around town by bicycle, as if it were a village.
Q: Do you keep a sketchbook? What is the balance between art you create on paper [or other analog medium] versus in the computer?
A: I have several sketchbooks in different sizes and I always take one with me. I´m addicted to writing lists or quick notes, so I usually fill them with “things to do”, ideas and quick sketches of these. Then I scan the sketches and start with the digital part of the work.
Q: What is the most important item in your studio?
A: My graphic tablet and a delicious spiced black tea.
Q: How do you know when the art is finished?
When I feel that the art is almost finished, I make some test about color and composition and I choose the best of them all.
Q: What elements of daily life exert the most influence on your work practice?
A: Music and dance helps me a lot in my work
Q: What was your favorite book as a child?
A: Matilda by Roald Dahl
Q: What is the best book you've recently read?
A: Centuria by Giorgio Manganelli
Q: If you had to choose one medium to work in for an entire year, eliminating all others, what medium would you choose?
A: Although I´m very happy with my tablet and Photoshop I would choose the medium of acrylic paint to experiment.
Q: If you could spend an entire day away from work and deadlines, what would you do and where?
A: I would go to the beach by bike and after a swim in the sea I would enjoy a big piece of carrot cake.
Q: What was the [Thunderbolt] painting or drawing or film or
otherwise that most affected your approach to art?
A: The work of Henri Matisse.
Q: What would be your last supper?
A: Salmon and a good wine.
Laura Liedo is a freelance illustrator based in Barcelona who graduated with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a Postgraduate in Creative Illustration and
Visual Communication at the EINA School of Art and Design. She currently works for magazines, studios and advertising agencies.